Australia's RTO sector is a dynamic and vital component of the nation's training sector. These training bodies are vital in preparing learners with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the world of work. Despite this, managing an RTO involves a substantial liability: maintaining alignment with a intricate set of guidelines and benchmarks se… Read More

Australia's RTO sector is a critical and vibrant part of the nation's training sector. Registered Training Organisations help equip trainees with the proficiencies and comprehension needed to excel in the world of work. Yet, overseeing an RTO entails a significant liability: maintaining alignment with a complicated network of norms and statutes set… Read More

OverviewTraining Organisations are responsible for various tasks after becoming registered, like yearly declarations, AVETMISS data submission, and marketing compliance. Among these tasks, assessment validation frequently stands out. While validation has been reviewed in many posts, let's revisit the fundamental principles. The Australian Skills Qu… Read More